Saturday, 11 February 2017

Reading Challenge 2017

This post is coming up a bit late considering it's almost a month and half since the new year. But better late than never, I say.

One of my 2017 goals was to read more. Though I call myself an avid reader, I haven't been able to read as diligently for past couple of years. This year I have decided to change that. That is why I took up a Reading Challenge.

A month and half later, I have read 6 books, not bad huh? I use my journal to keep track of my reads. Also GoodReads is of great help.

How do you motivate yourself to read more? This Challenge is indeed keeping me motivated to read more.

Happy reading!


Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Let's Write Letters for InCoWriMo!

February is here and its time for InCoWriMo. For those who are not familiar with it, InCoWriMo stands for 'International Correspondence Writing Month'.
Well, the idea behind it is to send a handwritten letter, note or postcard every during the month of February. In today's world of text and emails, to get a piece of mail (other than bills) in the mailbox is such a joy. So let's revive the lost art of snailmail and write sweet handwritten notes this month.
Who do I send the mails to? You can send your letter or card to absolutely anyone: family, friends, teachers, colleagues or even your favorite author or celebrity! You can even use this opportunity to find yourself pen-friends from all around the world. Use #InCoWriMo on any social media like facebook, instagram or tweeter, and you will meet a wonderful communities out there sharing the common interest.
I participated in InCoWriMo last year. It was challenging to write everyday, but the result was rewarding. I even found few pen-friends whom I still write too. I am also looking forward to participating this year.
Want to send or receive a postcard, letter or maybe a package from me? Send me an email and let us talk letters!